水妖的島--聽力IBT機經分類匯總06年7月聽力IBT機經分類匯總06年7月 聽力 1自然類: A>講一種美洲螞蟻,一群群的.很多鳥會跟到他,不是因為吃他們,而是他們的路線有昆蟲(問鳥吃什麼).B>說怎麼制鹽的...怎麼讓鹽蒸發,怎麼不讓鹽跑掉,怎麼能不讓海水的其他雜質跑如鹽中(問怎樣).和溶解度有關拉,高中就學了.C>說冬眠的,說冬眠有什麼好處,說夏季也有駱駝用類似的方法避暑,防止死掉D> continent shift and plate technotic.按照時間順序說明了這兩個理論的發展。The theory of land formation. Plate movement and…Geology. Two theories 1) continent shift: the whole crust actually used to be an integral part owing to the discovery of some evidences: the same kind of fossils could be found both in Antarctic and the tropical areas; the mountains and other geographic feature are quite similar in different continents. However the scientist who put forward this theory could not give thorough explanation. 2) Plate tectonic which is used to explain many geographic puzzles, and is now widely acknowledged.2校園生活類:A>學生想借用LAB,但沒有登記,所以不能問老師借鑰匙,老師說:我不能擅自把鑰匙借你雖然我想(問老師什麼意思?選項之一是老師意思是不能借),老師說你可以問你的室友借鑰匙,但別說是我教你的(問什麼意思)...B>學生要寫論文,教授說了一大堆...有第一主要的,有第二主要的(問,其實就是不用寫的)..然後有個圖表,問哪些是主要的C>有學生找manager問關於工作的事學生想在student center找工作,去找center manager。她想在Pits Area工作,並且prefer cashier和另外一個(具體忘了),但是這兩個職位都滿了。manager說有server 和front desk空位,但是時間不符合學生的要求。manager建議學生下學期在上課一周前就來申請,或者可以到另外一個area去找找看。Conversation between student and store manager, the student wants to get a job in the store. The student wanted to find a job in a student center; because she was recommended by her friend who worked as a cashier in the pit (I can remember whether it is the correct words). However there is no vacancy. Those students who work there longer would have the privilege to get the job first. Then the man gave her two choices: 1) working behind the bar 2) responsible for the floor. However these two jobs didn’t fit into her schedule. The man asked her to find other jobs in other student center. The woman felt sorry for it since she is fond of getting a job in the pit.D>學生生病缺刻,discussion class 的很多presentation都沒有做,希望能補,但是問過TA沒有時間給她補。學生找教授商量,希望不要影響自己的期末成績。教授看了學生的期中成績不錯,同時書面作業也按時完成,就問學生presentation什麼課題,並同意以oral test來代替presentation.Conversation between student and prof, the student wants to improve her grade.The student talked to the professor about her final grade. The professor was very surprised since they had just taken the mid-term. The student explained that she missed many classes, lectures and discussion since she was ill. The discussion will count for 20% of the final grade, so she wanted to make it up. However her teaching assistant told her that it was impossible to have a make-up presentation for the discussion and asked her to talk to her professor. After the professor found out that the student did a very good job on her written assignments, he promised to give her an alternative to make it up, in which the professor would ask questions and she is supposed to answer them. The secretary will arrange it.3.天文類:A> The theory of milky way expansion. talks about the formation of the galaxy, the Milky Way. The process is not fixed, since there are more and more new stars emerging. The lecture talks about the metal in the new stars and those in the old ones (sorry, I am confused).3人文社會類:A>講了商業的,說廣告要有固定的人群,不能泛...要吸引固定的顧客..然後有三個要點;1 要有目標的選擇客戶,2 廣告要有連接性,別人要能買的到3 忘了...(問哪三個) . 然後說 並不是所有的東西打廣告都賺,比如些很平常的東西,別人不會因為你做廣告就買你的,因為太普通了(問廣告有什麼要求)B>美國文學史,說了個作家,到處跑,然後寫書,開創了什麼什麼的,忘了,說是第一個把外國和本國的東東blend in 的人C> lecture. 組織內部的官僚。官僚機構的結構,特點。理論上官僚機構遵循rules and regulation,沒有exception,但是實際上有,教授舉了個例子。Two characteristics of Bureaucracy: 1) the formation of the bureaucratic organization is to make its operation smoothly; 2) there are strict rule and regulation in a bureaucratic organization which in theory should be applied to every body. However there is exception. The professor gave an example, a student did very poor on her study because she had to take her ill mother. At last the committee members were moved by her tears and agreed to erase her scores from her transcript. Anyway, it is not recommended, since it would be unfair to other students.D>一個 美國作家,主要創作關於工業化過程人們生活的變化。各種文體,其中short story的創新最多,列了好幾點,好像有repetition of character, plot,narrator等方面比較有特點。A famous short story/novel writer and his influence to the americans.American writer in 19th century whose works presenting the negative impact of the industrialization upon the lives of ordinary people. Several characteristics of his short stories: 1) the circular plot which is different from those linear plot, with an open ending. 2) The introduction of the narrator, because of the poor expression of the characters in the story. The narrator would speak directly to the reader, so the reader could be an active participant rather than a passive observer 3) the speech in the stories are very simple, just like those in the daily life. His influence upon Earnest Hemingway. SOURCE:http://www.sirenisland.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=149&ID=27027&page=1.
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